Members of the AöL work for organic, valuable and sustainable food.
Read our Guiding principles in GermanOur messages
Product Environmental Footprint
The AöL generally welcomes the efforts to make environmental performance visible in the context of foods as well. However, the concept of the PEF as a basis for „sustainable food systems“ is rejected for the following reasons.
Free movement of goods in the EU
The new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 has been in force since 01.01.2022. There has been discussion about how to deal with suspected cases of non-compliance. The EU clarifies that nationally introduced measures must not hinder free movement of goods.
On a framework for sustainable food labelling
The EU Commission is planning to establish a legislative proposal for a framework for sustainable food labelling to empower consumers towards sustainable food choices. We agree and see it in line with the aims of the “Green deal”.
Management guideline for processors
The management guideline developed as
part of the ProOrg project gives a good overview of the requirements for organic food manufacturers and can be individually adapted for each company.
Our "Themenhefte"
Our Themenhefte are some kind of dossiers from our association. The members are writing about their visions of food processing, about responsibility and a different kind of economy.
Because of that, the Themenheft is an important contribution to the discussions about the future of organic. You can read it here in German.